Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sushi Roll Edamame Salad with Green Onion-Miso Vinaigrette

Sushi Roll Edamame Salad with Green Onion-Miso Vinaigrette, page 20
(Oops! I forgot the green onion garnish. Still delish.)

I think the "Full-On Salads" chapter is my favorite part of Appetite for Reduction. Seriously: who knew salads could be this delicious and fun?!? I've always enjoyed a good salad, but Isa is a master at making the salad interesting, full of flavor, and just plain fun to eat. The Sushi Roll Edamame Salad is no exception.

My usual routine is to eliminate any added oils in these recipes, but I think the small amount of toasted sesame oil is essential to the flavor of the dressing here. Even with the sesame oil, the fat clocks in at only 2.5 grams per 1/4 cup. I think that's okay.

Really, every single dressing I've made so far has been phenomenal. Do you have your own copy of this cookbook yet? It's worth every penny for the dressings alone, I swear.


Veggie Love'n Mom said...

Julie, I have been eyeballing that recipe. It looks fantastic. I just love your photos. They look delish!

Anonymous said...

I really want to try this one!

Julie Ann said...

Veggie Love'n Mom - Thanks!
cornfieldsandcookies - I think you should! I'd love to hear what you think if you do try it.